flash/xml menu problem

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  • unfittoprint0

    I recently came to a solution to create every [or it least fasten the creation x100] of flash navigational menus.

    you'll have to abstract yourself from the [final] visual output.

    Create a Menu class that will parse an xml menu and dig its tree structure, creating movieclips and 'submovieclips' accordingly, adding onPress listeners and 'activation' functions.

    by extending this particular class and adding a particular 'Style' [see below] you'll be able to create every type of navigational menu.

    A 'Style' method will arrange the x/y position, transitions [hide/show submenu], fonts, rollover/out/release colors/sounds.

    Extending the main class differently will create, er, different menus. And by adding more methods to Menu, you'll automatically have more functionalities on the extended classes.

    It's almost the same approach with dhtml/css menus: first. the static structure, then its styling.

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