'We Call It Life'

Out of context: Reply #10

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  • Crouwel0

    hmm...rasko and para always post at the same time, let's see if this will surprise them or not, see if they aren't one and the same? :)


    i was just saying to my pilates instructor last night how big business needs a protection lobby.

    ceos with salaries exceeding the gnp of some small african nations are damned near endangered these days.

    don't you agree, claude?
    (May 19 06, 04:58)

    (May 19 06, 05:00)

    har! no, dahling. you see, sir rasko and i have one another on mutual ignore. and i don't mean the sexy kind.

    where's kelpie with the microlight? we'd best chop chop if we want to finish our reconnaisance mission of the great salt lake before the cocktail hour.
    (May 19 06, 05:22)

    There is a charity starting up called pure: the clean planet trust which will basically allow you to calculate your carbon, its cost to 'cancel' and then you can 'donate' to them in order to offset your carbon output.

    but oh, if this 'charity' doesn't happen to have been started by a certain company that deals in carbon credits!

    The funny thing is that these people actually say that replanting the rain forests is bad - because eventually the dead trees will expel their carbon back into the atmosphere HAHAHAHAHA! so basically what is good for the planet is to remove all life forms that will potentially expel their carbon when they rot, ie; ALL LIVING THINGS!

    (May 19 06, 05:31)

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