Worst Thing...

Out of context: Reply #92

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  • grunttt0

    my brother is 4 years older than me so when we fought as kids he was always the victor. but i wasn't one to fight fair. 2 days after a fight he was sitting in the front yard playing with some toy. i grabbed a huge limb and cracked over his back - he never saw it coming. another time, a few hours after a fight he was sitting on the floor in the living room facing my mother who was sitting in a chair. i ran in full blast and kicked him square in the back - knocked the wind out of him then hauled ass back to my room. my mother saw me running in but it was too quick for her to warn my brother. then the worst was one afternoon my brother and i got into a fight. we were both sent to our rooms. i was fuming. my brother and i had both recently gotten little american flags on 1 foot long wooden sticks. i broke the stick and it had a very sharp point on it. i went to my brothers room and knocked on his door and told him that i was sorry if he was. when he opened the door i stabbed him in the finger with the stick. he had to go to the emergency room. all of these things happened between the ages of 5-7.

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