tonights the night

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • fooler0

    she said yes!!! I'm officially engaged. We had reservations @ 7 @ the first restaurant we went out to in this town 6 years ago. I had the ring in my pocket and had no idea how/when I was going to do it. On the drive over I felt like I was on coke and not in the good way. Sweating, nausea, loss of appetite, lock jaw, It was nerve racking. I knew I couldn't last through dinner like this so I parked the car and as we walked to the place I tried to take a detour through this little park where people sell crack and they have a needle exchange every weekend. I know not to romantic but I was improvising.
    She didn't want to go through the park she said she was cold and it was starting to drizzle.
    I took her hand and said I had something to show her and when we reached the middle of the park I whipped it out and said " I bought this for you, will you marry me" She was so shocked she said "are you serious?. She cried a little, she looked at it and said how beautiful it was. I had to ask "well will you" once or twice since she was still in shock.
    "Of course I will" was the answer.

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