Client Advise

Out of context: Reply #14

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    Been down this road before. It's a painful road to travel. But hitting him with technical reasons as to why it wouldn't work may not be the best tactic as further down the line he could ask someone else about it and they would say that his design was in fact completely possible and make you look like a chump thereby reducing your credibility.

    I would make sure that you have a >written< brief from the client detailing this supposed minimal manifesto. It gives the client a chance to actually put their brains to the task of 'thinking' along the same lines that you have to think along hopefully resulting in some sort've general consensus. That way when you make your presentation you can take their own words from the written brief to support your argument for your design.

    I've noticed in projects where it seems that you and the client are on the same page without a written brief tend to end in disaster. This also includes ones where they try to do the design themselves. Prepare to be ridden like a slave and have arbitrary choices made on his personal preferences with no supporting argument shoved down your throat thereby reducing you to a quivering mass of frustrated goo.

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