Staying Motivated

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  • mg330

    Sort of related to what you're talking about...

    I went to a Copywriting seminar last week on Thursday and Friday. I'm doing much more writing at work and it's a blast that our company pays for us to do outside training/learning during the year.

    I studied Advertising in college and loved writing, always have.
    This seminar totally woke me up to what I'm good, made me realize what things I need to concentrate on in my career, and just generally inspiring the living hell out of me.

    I totally needed it and felt like a new person afterwards. New ideas, new goals, new excitement about creativity and purpose and how I need to put everything I can into what I do work wise and my own artwork, portfolio, etc. to get where I'd like to be.

    Anyhow, one think I learned about creativity:
    Statistically, it takes 90 minutes to generate an idea well, with brainstorming, writing, sketching, etc. and it usually happens best away from where you typically work.

    Plannning for 90 minutes of time at a point in the day to dump all your ideas out for project can make a big difference. I did that today and got way more written and planned out than if I were at my desk, and NT. :D

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