Dubai's taking over

Out of context: Reply #66

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  • KuzII0

    You could say the same thing about the Jews who I think, if memory serves, were there long before the Arabs.
    (Mar 9 06, 11:02)

    lol - i'm sure you meant the Jews were there long before the MUSLIMS. The Arabs lived there since time imemorial - there are Arab Jews too (mainly the ones you call Sephardic).

    Haha, I can see you trying to drag me into your usual straw man arguments and baseless rhetoric Cocktus. I can wax lyrical about how the very creation of the state of Israel precipitated ethnic tension between indigineous Jews and Arabs who had managed to live peacefully under Ottoman rule (though, for example, Iran still contains a significant Jewish minority that recently came out in defence of their countries nuclear ambitions). I can talk at length how Zionism is fundamentally fucked up since the strength and intellectual vibrancy of Judaism has always been in the diaspora, and how the very being of the state of Israel destoy's the idea of "the diaspora" (and i'm not just talking about the Zionists who collaberated with the Nazis or despicable Arab regimes to force Jews out of their homes unwillingly).

    But with a proto-fascist like you, what would be the point?

    Histories told by winners baby, and might is right.


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