
Out of context: Reply #11

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  • mikotondria20

    I watched it, semi-reluctant as I'm sure many people are now, to go diggin around 9/11, but it was compelling enough to watch it to the end.
    The one point I came away with was the amount of missing gold from wtc..something like 700billion dollars worth..
    Even if the 'real' figure is only 10% of that, you have to ask - 'would people destroy buildings and kill thousands of people for $70bn'. You're damn right they would. Chuck in the added bonus that it was a great pretext for mid-east expansionism, ie mega-profits for a select few and it's a pretty compelling example of 'follow the money'. The real physical evidence of who did what has long gone, literally shipped out with examination, so we have ony the overwhelming circumstatial evidence that someone somehwere made a fat load of cash out this, and with the muddying of the waters into the investigation, invasions of countries and enerall scare tactics, most people have been persuaded to dismiss anything other than the official explanation.
    The people behind this knew they would get away with it, and thanks to the anaethetising effects of the us media corporations, it seems we have let them. Piss poor.

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