Designers!!: Your Input?

Out of context: Reply #16

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  • paraselene0

    i was always a verbal creative; never showed much aptitude for spatial awareness, etc. learned pagemaker and pica rule working on a tight little high school newspaper.

    studied romance languages as an undergraduate while doing little bits of design to earn extra money on the side. was getting print jobs just cos i knew the programs and then because i was doing print, people asked me to do web.

    started a phd in linguistics, woke up one day to realise i was a mathematician. ran away from home. did a number of crazy person things.

    got a job as in-house designer for a human rights agency here in london. stayed as long as i could until the money and the kudos became a serious issue.

    now work for moth and am trying to become a solid development coder. back to linguistics in the end, eh? ahhh life.

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