flash as backend

Out of context: Reply #13

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  • enobrev0

    am i mistaken that this conversation started about flash remoting and became cms? just want to be clear. i suppose il respond to both..

    Flash COMM is a really good idea, imo, but the fact that they don't allow a port to php really surprised me. I realized they want to tout CF, but completely closing it off to php is going to ghurt more than help.

    As a developer who does will with both language, I prefer to have to option to choose between the two or even use both when necessary. Unfortunately, using Flash Comm, and CF is just far too expensive.

    Besides all that, you can do most of the things FlashComm offers with PHP, it's just not quite as plug and play.

    regarding CMS, a java app may do well, but I don't truly think it's all that much better than a flash based interface. If it had been, there would be far more java based sites out there.

    The learning curve and hiring costs are just too high to create java apps taht are used to control a non-java site.

    Now for a more complex site, that interfaces with a complex ordering system and shipping system, etc outside of the browser realm, I would deinfiteliy look into some more serious programming.

    But if we're talkign a way to add news and basically manage and sort database table, flash and just plain xhtml does a hell of a job.

    Besides that point, wouldn't a truly WYSIWYG interface be a lot easier to build if css absolute positioning worked prefectly - cross-broswer? I mean you could basically drag items, record their x,y,width,height to a table and have them display correctly.

    It would be like using any other layout app... Ah, one could only dream.

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