R. Hawtin @ Olympics

Out of context: Reply #19

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    Quote from James Stinson aka Drexciya.

    'The Caucasian Persuasion'
    "Ever since the blues and early jazz, black music has been
    stolen and exploited. It pisses me off that we let it happen. It's
    a political thing; everybody talks about it under their breath, but
    they don't come out and say anything about it. As far as I'm concerned,
    Richie Hawtin, Moby, and all the rest of 'em can do what they want, but
    don't step into my house if you don't respect it. Don't even call what
    you do 'techno'! I don't want to hear anybody saying Richie started any
    damned thing, 'cos he ain't started shit. All he did was step in with
    his money and his Caucasian persuasion and put himself on the market,
    and now he's got all these kids riding his jock. We never had rich
    backgrounds; we were working jobs for $4.25 an hour. Our mamas never
    gave us money to buy keyboards and put records out. We work for our
    stuff. That's why there's a big difference in the music.
    "Why do Richie and his Plus 8 family come down here and throw
    parties in downtown Detroit? He brings in all these kids from the
    suburbs and from Canada, and that shows a lack of respect. I've been
    to every one of those parties and I've never heard an Underground
    Resistance record, a Cybertron record, a Model 500 record or an Eddie
    Fowlkes record. It's a total lack of respect, and it's got to stop."

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