flash as backend

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  • ilmarine0

    now now, a java applet you say. you use foul language in a decent company...

    definitely the best way to create a wysiwyg environment right now is to use javascript and dhtml. especially so since as of mozilla 1.3 it also supports wysiwyg. there is the problem of other platforms beside windows, but since the evil microsoft owns 90% or so of the market i still think it is a fair choise. java is just a dying language. and it looks and loads ugly.

    the syntax of action script is similiar to php and javascript so i think it wouldn't be impossible to create a text editor. i too think, however, that right now developing a flash cms is a realy bitch and a pain in the ass. but once you get done with it and if you have done a good job, then this really is the answer. so, getting there is the hard part, but the reward can be great (think dreamweaver on steroids for dummies wanting to update their pages).

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