why google should stay

Out of context: Reply #24

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  • TheTick0

    you have to remember that governments run countries and the laws that allow Google to operate and make tons of money are dictated through them.

    end of story.
    (Jan 20 06, 06:55)
    JaxX, true, but how about the companies that couldn't do business with say Saddam's Iraq, or the Soviet Union or the Chinese because Western governments stood on principle (and corporations do exist because governments grant them a charter)? So now with the free market and corporations becoming the de facto states they get away with unprincipled crap that puit a man in jail in China because he spoke his mind?

    Are corporations accountable? Are they transparent? Or do they go wherever they can make a buck?

    Answer is obvious there, I know..but it begs the question - should they operate in a larger context where they can be held accuontable for their actions?

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