Freelance rate

Out of context: Reply #16

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  • derek20050

    most companies have to bill 300% of what they pay the employee.

    30 to you
    30 to the company
    30 to the owner.
    (Jan 18 06, 17:30)

    so true.

    i had a friend who left the company he was working for, cause he was sick of the company and owner making so much. (the owner was driving a SICK benz)

    he left, esablished a company, charged 75% of what the company he worked for charged out, and immediately doubled his salary. :)

    he would make 50 an hour at his old job... with his rate being billed out at $150!

    most of the clients he was working for in the company were begging him to go freelance or form his own company, so they could give him all the money, and pay less.

    he left the company, with a few trusting clients in hand, who fed him for a good while. they referred him to other companies, and before he knew it... he was making WAY more than working for the man, plus had the freedom to reject jobs, take vacation etc...

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