scottish NT'ers

Out of context: Reply #16

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  • konspiracy0

    Vegas is on every year at New Year - and always in Edinburgh.

    It has been at Ocean Terminal before (which is a Soul-less venue) but past few years its been at Edinburgh Art College.
    Argueably the BEST venue for Vegas.

    Clubbing at New Year is PISH i agree. Esp if you are going out in a wee squad, then u get people moaning that its just hiphop or just dance stuff all night plus you are in a sweaty club etc.

    WHEREAS ... Vegas doesnt have a 'club' feel at the art college at new year - its more like a giant party vibe. It's honestly the BEST thing you can do at new year!
    Everyone is there for the party vibe, there are no bams there for a scrap, everyone is dressed up and smiling, and you can get away with doin what the hell you like where the hell you like as the security are like the janitors etc from the art college lol - they dont know that when people go into the cubicles that they are snortin coke lol.

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