designers dating designers

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    interesting subject..

    Well i've dated this girl once from Lyon. She hooked me up through my site, found my icq number and got in touch with me. She was a senior webdesigner at and well, after a few month chatting, we met, and that was it .. perfect... to be able to speak of something you really can't speak with others in real life, to share this passion and these ideas of yours is pure adrenaline and pleasure.
    Of course the love story hjas an end, but designer dating designer did it for me, the girl was great, conscious, happy, simple, loveable really and full of creativity, open on everything i was doing, she could understand every little pixel dream i had in my head... never a scene about long nights in front of the computer or the usual bullshit about : ' why do u do all this ? '

    now i'm not saying everything was perfect, i'm just answering to the specific question of a relation with someone doing and loving the same 'virtual' thing as me.
    Because u may have lots of firends online to share things with, but it's great to be able to talk to someone.. AND NOT EVERYONE IS A GREAT TRANDY DESIGNER GURU TRAVELLING THE WORLD and sharing his time between the Semi Permanent and the Flash Festivals and all these expensive 'Elite' little upclass social events that i hate...

    peace.. and love ur design mama

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