
Out of context: Reply #7

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  • Baskerville0

    I've played guitar for about 10 years.

    Although I hate people saying 'you're a guitarist'. It's more that I'm a musician who plays the guitar. I also play the piano to the same level.

    I'm interested in music and music theory. People don't realise that music theory dictates pretty much everything in most styles of music.
    From punk to jazz.
    The reason so many guitar bands are rubbish is that they don't know what they're doing. They make it up as they go along, or slavishly copy others instead of learning why good music works.

    So if you decided to take up the guitar, you should really see it as taking up music, your output of which will be on the guitar.

    I learn new things about music all the time and I can then apply them to a guitar, piano or any other instument if I wanted.

    Music is the same as design, it's about ideas and composition.

    Don't play the guitar because you think it's cool. If you want to be cool then play the sax. I wish I could play like coltrane that would truly be cool. He was an amzing thinker more than an amazing player.

    You can start at any age. But learn theory first or while you go along. Don't let your hands play faster than you can think what you're doing.

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