
Out of context: Reply #29

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  • Point50

    Damn shame that happened to you, but, as I speak from experience (not getting hit semi-trucks, but playing college ball) never wait for the injury to present itself. Unfortunately, it's to late for preventative measures at this time, so what you need to do is at least start taking an over-the counter anti-inflam such as ibuprofen. Immediately go to the doctor as well. 1 minormisalignment in your body over time can wreck your entire system. I ruptured a disc in my back once, but I had no idea. I though I just strained my back and had sore muscles. So I went about my daily routines of school working out etc. Then almost a month later, I began to have agonizing pain; so much in fact that over a period of 3 days it got to the point where I couldn't walk. I was fuckin army crawlin to the pisser.

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