Metagramme Studio

Out of context: Reply #37

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  • 59 Responses
  • Nairn0

    Eesh! You need to repeatedly slap your webnik for..

    - what feels like non-Scripted tweens (bad)
    - a Superfluous Landing Page (badder)
    - Full Screen Pop up (baddest! .. who are you to dictate how I use my web browser?)
    - trite 'where do you want to go today' stolen tagline.. from msoft?! Have you no pride? (shocking!)

    ..which is a shame, because your work is full, wholesome and engaging - but until I saw it, I felt like you were trying to piss in my face whilst laughing at me from far away behind the screen. The only reason I continued to the work was because I love topographic forms and wanted to see how you continued the theme.

    I'd also edit your 'studio' text to negate the requirement for a scrollbar, and maybe replace the yellow 'Post-It' boxes with some sort of thumbnail of the work - otherwise that's a superfluous page (or why not embed the clients in the menu somehow?)

    Good luck!

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