cell phone technology

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • Nairn0

    - The technical promises of 3/xG technologies are finally being tempered by real-world demand. As such 'iMode'/WAP content is becoming quite popular in the UK/EU, as it becomes commonplace and accepted and not subject to the grandiose whims of companies trying to recoup investment losses.

    - Ubisoft made as much money from their mobile gaming division as the rest of the company this year.

    - DVB-H and other digital TV content provision technologies are taking hold in Korea/ Japan and have had standards set in Europe. BBC and other major EU content providers are pre-emptively deriving content, especially off the backs of existant Web services. This will likely preclude much video content delivered over 3/xG networks, freeing capacity for richer interactive experiences.

    - Expect to see a Medium term divergance between All-in-one devices, providing Music, Video, PDA and interactive facilities and smaller footprint Star Trek communicator 'phones' (cringe), with no peripheral bonuses - just talk.

    - And Java carries on growing and Web browsing functionality improving, making RSS/etc and HTML even more valuable.

    - Flash... ?

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