mac mini

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • Meeklo0

    They run everything fine as far as I can tell. Max out the RAM and you'll be ok.

    Size isn't everything.
    (Dec 21 05, 01:31)

    true indeed.

    i don't have one, but I work from a powerbook and I believe imacs are faster than pb, so if I can do it, I'm sure you can as well..

    I will always remember my firsts jobs where done on a PC with windows 95 my monitor was like 10 inch and I had a 28.800 modem, and I did tons of website design for big clients when everyone was already in win 98 and some with cablemodem.

    I was fine with that, untill I had my first job at an agency, where I had mac ( the ugly imacs with the colored monitors) wich was faster, bigger and nicer, then I hated working with my computer at home.

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