NT MindBook

Out of context: Reply #20

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    It's Medication Time
    Friday used to be a day where I'd write some new anecdotes and then a bunch of cool folks would gather to joke, add witticisms, talk shit, and wind down from the long week. That hasn't been the case recently due to the following:

    1. I've been working on a longer piece and I need to focus what little discipline I have left on that. Plus I've had these headaches for nine weeks and you're tired of hearing my reports of imminent death, particularly where I blame the west nile or a piece of uncooked pork I ate three months ago. I'm going to see a specialist Tuesday and in the meantime I've been watching the NBA and popping Ultrams like it's my job (gee sorry for the incoherancy, and mayo i promise i'll email you back this weekend).

    2. Gorbie decided he hated us and NT really is missing his humor, sarcasm, and recommendations.

    3. I realized that at 31 I didn't want to read any more weekly recaps that began, "you missed kingjulien fighting with ________ (although I see uberdesigner has a new boyfriend and perhaps he's dealing with other issues today. btw, did that guy really use Erik Dickerson's gerrycurl on his profile image or is that just me?)
    -------------------- -----------
    Anyway, the point of this is that I have a new story over at www.slippymagazine.com

    It's called "Exits" and it's an experiment for me. I wrote three separate mini-narratives and tried to link them under the idea of people crossing paths, or coming and going from our lives--the little people whose experiences tend to stick with us unexplainably. I think the story is interesting, funny, disturbing, and strange, but I'd be curious to hear your opinions and criticisms. I was supposed to have this awesome photographer http:www.brianmilo.com do some pictures for the story, but last night at the deadline I got an email from him asking for additional time, and well, at the last minute I had to use a self-portrait from the Harrah's bathroom in Tahoe, just after my ex-gf won two grand.

    I also wanted to take a minute to compliment mattyd. The Teddy Brushi and Bono designs on the slippy site are fucking beautiful, and it's clear what a talent and a cool muthafucker he is. I wish, in hindsight, that I had asked him to do a design for my piece. I'm sure it would have been sweet.

    Anyway, I hope everybody has a fun and productive weekend.

    (Nov 4 05, 14:13)

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