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Out of context: Reply #19

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    silver spoons
    I'm 31 and yes, I watched the VMA's last night. This isn't a rant on MTV or the music industry, surely better thinkers have critiqued that world in far more eloquent terms; rather here are 10 observations from someone both intrigued and horrified by what I saw.
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    1.) It's a shame about Green Day. What have they become? What happened to the tweakers that brought us Dookie and Insomniac? Would they have hugged the YingYang twins? Would they have gotten choked up over anti-war posturings? Does Billy Joe's wife really have dreads?
    2.) After seeing Diddy, Jamie Foxx, Kanye and Usher, I wondered when it became cool for rappers to come out of the closet? Did I miss the Jet article on this? Wasn't this always taboo in the black community? Did it start with Puffy's umbrella waving assistant? Did it start with Eddie getting caught with that transsexual? And did they have to steal Crocket and Tubb's style? Can anything be sacred?
    3.) Can Suge Knight's gunman return and take care of Good Charlotte? Please? No, I mean really.
    4.) When Coldplay is the best act of the night, something's wrong with the state of pop culture. And yet, if we could get Scott Weiland to introduce them to the needle, they might have a shot. Actually, forget that idea. Those guys will be doing a song with Bryan Adams for the soundtrack to Robin Hood Two in 5 years.
    5.) Shamira: facelift? Was that an imposter? For the longest time I thought there was this new artist named Shakita up there performing.
    6.) Thank God for Beavis and Butthead. Seriously. And Hammer--I enjoyed seeing that performance, I have to admit.
    7.) How many years is Diddy gonna milk this Notorious BIG tribute? Didn't he die in 97?And where was Sting last night?
    8.) Hottest nectar by far? Jessica Alba. This is not even in dispute.
    9.) Does Johnny Knoxville really party or is this amphetamine talk shtick? I need some proof.
    10.) Was R.Kelly's song about a bisexual love trianngle or was I just too distracted by the invisible phone, knife and gun wielding? Where was Mr. Big? Is there not somebody in his management team that can pull him aside and say dude, you've officially gone cuckoo? Did they even try to match his lips with the song? And why were the fans screaming like it was Menudo? Do you remember when Menduo performed on Silver Spoons? That's what the VMA's needed last night. Fuck Eric Roberts. I want Freddy and Carlton and the Ricker. And the train in the living room. That's it! The cast of Silver Spoons performing the Krunk dance in black face. Next year, this will be huge.


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