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Out of context: Reply #15

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    hide and seek (kj)
    I was advised by rand to identify my incoherance in the subject line. Oh, by the way, it's really long today. Thank you for your patience.
    -------------------- ---------
    1. I've been sick for nearly two weeks. At first I thought it was a sinus infection, then the West Nile (as you know, besides the schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, and hypoglycemia I'm also a hypochondriac). Yesterday I went to the urgent care and got some antibiotics, but not before getting laughed at by the doc, who found it amusing that I had actually memorized the county West Nile symptoms FAQ list. He asked if I had played with any dead birds, then changed the subject. Later I heard him telling one of his assistants about our conversation, and when I left the little room all these old Philipino nurses were giggling at me and shaking their heads.

    2. The worst part is that I have all these projects I want to begin, but my brain hasn't been working right-the synapses aren't connecting, so inbetween daily screenings of The Life Aquatic, The Incredibles (damn I love Edna), and Old School, I've been laying here trying not to think. Last night I watched a Scorsese biography on AMC at 3:00 am, and I felt like an idiot for not remembering key lines from Taxi Driver, GoodFellas, and Raging Bull (in fact, I've forgotten just about everything from Mean Streets). It sucks because when I was twenty I had all these heroes and I've either outgrown them or just haven't revisited them in so long that I don't feel qualified to discuss them anymore. I'm sure all this is just the fever talking and by tomorrow the memories will flood back, but in the meantime, this sucks.

    3. Speaking of death, did you see Gary Busey on VH1's Celebrity Fit Club? The guy recently discovered that being sober means "everything's real now," and he got choked up at the profoundity of the thought. I couldn't help staring at him because he didn't seem real. In fact, he looked like he just escaped from a wax museum, and yet, he made more sense to me than Marty Scorsese did, and something tells me I should be worried about that.

    4. By the way, I've urinated twice since I began this. Something's not right (no it's not the clap either).

    5. Should I move to Santa Barbara or Portland? SF's out of the question because my friend has lost her damn mind, and even though I spent 7 hours in the psych ward with her in late May, I just now realized I can't live with her (call me intuitive if you like). SB means lots of coked out blondes to discuss the nothingness of nothingness with at 4:00 am; Portland means trying to find a home that will allow me to possess steaks in the refrigerator without a 30-day notice from the birkenstock crowd. Decisions, decisions.

    6. I feel like Deniro in the King of Comedy whenever I discuss Anton, but I recently listened to BJM's set at Lollapalooza and it's the funniest thing. Dashboard Confessional is playing on the main stage next door and you can hear their pansy asses inbetween songs; clearly it's interrupting BJM's concentration. Anton is patient but finally yells at them, "If I ever needed birth control muthafuckers I'd listen to you punks! I'd put a picture of your band over my bed if I didn't want children. And as it is, I would raise your wolfcubs!"

    7. Damn ricstultz, I'm still looking at your paintings three hours later. Fuckin A bro, they're gorgeous.

    8. Current favorite moment in Life Aquatic: when Steve Zissou tells the interns they're getting incompletes for deserting the ship after the pirates attacked. Yesterday's favorite was seeing Steve's reaction to Angelica Huston's Fabio looking personal trainer. They're so many little jewels in this film it almost justifies the 20 times I've watched it.

    9. Actual conversation heard at Thirty One flavors last night: "My boyfriend's sister's best friend's cousin saw KingJulien last night, and rumor has it he only has three days left."

    10. I finished a new update on my site despite the severity of my 99 degree temperature, complete with slow loading jpegs, inconsistent navigational logic, and more angst filled self indulgent babbling than any reasonable person would be expected to sit through. Hope you dig it.


    And just in case you wanted to say it but didn't want to offend me, I'll get it out of the way now: "KJ, don't quit your day job punk!"

    (Sep 15 05, 13:22)

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