NT MindBook

Out of context: Reply #13

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  • rasko40

    As some of you may remember, I recently posted (and later apologized for) a “farewell to NT” post in which I said goodbye to all of you because of an unspecified mental condition that would require lengthy treatment in a remote mountain retreat. And though that post was a spoof, it actually did contain an element of truth. I have been a bit down lately (as a few of you—well, actually, only Mayo—have recently commented) because of my anxieties about a recently diagnosed autoimmune condition known as Ratner’s Syndrome. While the mechanism of the illness is still largely unknown, what is known is that it affects the optic nerve, and that over a period of months, or possibly even quite suddenly, it causes blindness. The process is irreversible, and incurable. Of course, I’m devastated, not only by my fears of soon being unable to earn a living, but by the thought of never again seeing my wife or daughter’s beautiful faces, and of missing my morning walk up the driveway and looking up at the trees high above me rustling in the wind as I pick up the Times. Which brings me to the reason for this post. I am hoping, before I can no longer log onto NT, that all of you will post pictures of yourselves and things that you love, so that I will have memories of you and of the world I otherwise could never have. Please post them in this thread.

    (Dec 1 05, 13:33)"

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