NT MindBook

Out of context: Reply #8

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  • rasko40

    Today on the walk home from church, I noticed across the way two dogs copulating. Breeding. Having sex, I stopped somewhat aghast as I am walking through a relatively nice, middle class white neighbourhood, where one would expect righteous citizens to keep their canine friends locked up with a leash, not running riot spreading their seed throughout the streets and avenues, in clear sight of the elderly and child alike.

    So there I am staring at these beasts, and quite large they were too though I'm no expert on species, they were the size of labrador but had short, tan hair the both of them. As the male mounted the bitch I was somewhat impressed by his motion, he was indeed fast, efficient, and his muscles were quite visible during these moments of exertion. I cast an eye to one side, checking of course for the owner so that he (this male dog clearly belonged to a man as it wore a red handkerchief about its neck, much like a cowboy) might restrain this beastly act, this act which was still taking place, there they are going at it, in out, in out and I couldn't help but notice the length of the dogs shaft, the phallus must have extended by at least 9 inches, long and red, thin yet strong, pepperoni in colouration. Disgusting it was. Where this beasts owner was I do not know, I glance around again and by now I have worked up a sweat, the sun was shining and after a walk this often happens as I am not a man of exercise. A young lady has paused and has been watching me as I have been watching the dogs, or more appropriately, trying to find the owner to put an end to this hideous act, this heineous activity. She is looking at me cock eyed, "are these your dogs?" I ask, "no, but they sure look like they havin fun" she laughs, looking me up and down, "disgusting isn't it?" I say and she pauses as she walks by "they just doin what nature wants em too honey" she says with a slight growling inclination in her tone, I have no idea what to make of this and am quite taken aback, this woman, this brazen hussy I might add, is as good as sniffing at my rectum, thats what I am thinking, she is like an animal! I am convinced, she wanted to stand and do the sex act right there just like those animals, those disgusting animals as they pounced on each other, tearing at each others flesh, that's what she wanted. It wouldn't surprise me, thats what society has come too, absolutely immoral. That dirty, dirty woman made those beasts look clean. Dirty woman in that red dress and those big sunglasses.

    I dabbed my forehead and moved along, back on my way home. Maybe I would have a sit down when I got home, maybe run a bath and get rid of this horrible sweat. Yes, and thats what I did, well - a shower actually.

    Quite an afternoon.

    God bless †
    (Dec 6 05, 15:23)

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