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Out of context: Reply #4

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  • rasko40

    yes gruntt, unless of course you have something to contribute.


    Every Wednesday and Thursday morning, between 10-11 am, I get a call from a friend who I went to elementary school with. These are his days off, and he always wants to go to lunch. The thing is, clearly he's still in bed when he reaches for the phone, and his voice reflects this - in that it sounds like he just woke up. At the same time though, it's kind of creepy, because if I didn't know better, I'd think he was moaning on the phone. I always wanted to talk shit about it, but every reference I make is met with disdain and a weird silence, so I've learned to just leave it alone.

    Yesterday he let slip that 5 years ago, while managing Round Table Pizza, he got fired for sexual harassment. It was one of the revelations where you don't want to judge your friend, but at the same time this is the kind of information that causes one to raise their eyebrow. When I asked what happened, he said that a girl from work called one morning to see if he could cover her shift, and then reported to her supervisor afterwards that he had been masterbating on the phone. I said were you? - in a joking way, trying to deflect the awkwardness, and he said 'No. I'm just a fat kid and this is how I sound in the morning.'

    He ended up getting a better job and he now makes lots of money and clearly this is something he'd prefer would just disappear, but here I am, not ready to let it go quite yet, spinning another ridiculous moment from my world into a cheap anecdote for a bunch of strangers to dissect and belittle.

    If it wasn't clear already, I'm a selfish bastard.
    (Dec 1 05, 11:55)

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