Articles about designers

Out of context: Reply #8

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  • todelete__20

    call me tonight around 8pm and i'll give you in detail the daily life of kona. goes something like this.

    6am alarm goes off.
    7:30am wake up after hitting snooze every 10 minutes
    8am eat breakfast. take dump. watch tv while taking dump and eating breakfast. clean sofa. pet cat. wipe butt with cat. clean cat. put bandaids on legs.
    8:30am work starts
    9:30am i show up for work
    10am eat 2nd meal
    10:30am sign on to nt as kona. sign on as bigtitlady1. sign on as rand. talk to self for an hour.
    NOON. eat lunch.
    2pm. return to work
    3pm. do work. (some)
    4pm. eat again. take dump. leave upper decker in toilet. remove all toilet paper from stalls. replace with lizards and spiders. run out of bathroom.
    5pm. leave work.
    5:30. arrive at gym. get huge. pose in bathroom for 10 minutes. beat homos off me with a stick. continue posing.
    7pm. get home. eat. freelance.
    10pm. watch cartoons. pet cat. howl at moon.
    11pm. go to sleep.

    in there add like 4 beers anywhere, another meal or two, much more nt and a lot less work.


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