workplace dilemma

Out of context: Reply #4

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  • imavery0

    I worked in a computer repair center for a year and only once heard of a computer catching fire. It was a older quicksilver dual-door (not mirror doors) first releases. Apple accedentially put the placement of one cd/dvd screw next to one of the screws used to hold the mother board down, and when the person turned on the computer, sparks flew. Killed the CPU and burner, with mild burn marks on the inside. No major outside marks or anything. One case only. I even stripped a power coard for the negative and positive exposed wires, and injected them in a ram slot on an hp comp while both were plugged in and running. A spark came out of the CPU followed by a trail of smoke, and the comp wouldn't turn off shy of removal of power cord. Would automatically power on non-stop if power was re inserted. Thats it. No chances of spontanious combustion as a result of overheating (fan needs to be disabled with major activity going on and no air escapes) due to downloading shyte.

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