it's snowing!

Out of context: Reply #26

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  • MX_OnD0

    Scotland should get dusted tomorrow and blasted by the weekend, -12°C (10°F) with high winds... blizzards ahoy :D

    The last properly harsh winter here was in 1983/84 if memory serves correctly. We were off school for 2 weeks because we were snowed in less than a mile and a half from school, for real in a country (yes "country" northAmerican friends) within which it is impossible to be more than 80 miles (~130 km)
    away from salt water.

    One of the northernmost streets in Edinburgh is called Baltic Street, not without reason I tell you. brrrr.

    I for one wholeheartedly embrace a freezing cold winter, from within the confines of suitable winter attire needless to say, but nonetheless I embrace it for it's harshness.
    A harsh winter should help kill off bugs, so the farmer's wives say at least, they are uncannily often right though - heed the farmer's wife, she speaks in good faith.

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