GF Xmas Present

Out of context: Reply #23

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  • mg330

    Mine and I usually say $100 on each other. Twice I have gone $100 beyond that.

    Luckily I know she wants certain small practical things that are not expensive. New drink glasses from CB2, wine glasses as well.

    Does anyone think it's kind of troubling if you and your sig. other have no idea what to get for each other? I mean, shouldn't we all know the other's interests well enough?

    Friday night, when we went to bed, she was saying something about the ipod alarm clock thing, after she or I said that I maybe needed a new one.

    After I told her I'd have no use for the ipod alarm clock thing, because A) I must wake up to NPR, and B) because my ipod is always connected to my surround sound DVD...
    she got really quiet, and it scared me into thinking she may have bought me that for christmas. I think she was just going to sleep though.

    It's like a learned at a seminar recently..."Worry is the time you spend on things you can't change."

    I worry WAY TOO MUCH.

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