
Out of context: Reply #72

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    if a prostitute doesn't get paid does she claim rape?

    i've seen these rape charges cases around me, i do alot of design for a local college and several of the fraternities and sororities

    being close friends with a sorority house i heard alot of the girl talk that i shouldn't have been privy to

    one of the most disturbing stories ive ever heard regarding rape is that a girl was going to file rape charges against the guy she cheated on her boyfriend with the night before so that the biyfriend would hate the guy and not break up with her in the process

    now that is some evil keniving shit that only a damn good lawyer could protect you from and you need it here in the heartland.

    the guy is looking at a criminal record so the chick can keep her boyfriend

    i dount its the first time its happened and i doubt its the last

    i believe this story too because the girls were sayin gthat this girl was fucking up and doing the wrong thing

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