Sex Parties

Out of context: Reply #66

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  • -scarabin-0

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    You people are sick.

    It's pretty obvious that she is a sick, sick pedophile, drug addict and has absolutely no respect for the law.
    Don't fall into the little trap thinking that things women do are somehow less serious than when men do them.

    She molested and raped underage boys.

    Women are just as capable of terrible, evil, destructive things as men are.

    She needs heavy therapy and psychiatric help somewhere where she can't hurt anyone again.

    She's a danger to her kids, their friends and maybe anyone else . . .


    (Nov 15 05, 16:17)

    they were fucking high schoolers, not preteens or children. i really doubt any of it was new to them or they had any objections to what she was providing for them. and it's not like they weren't sexually active anyway or inncocent or even harmed...

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