Are these crappy photos?

Out of context: Reply #27

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  • _mak0

    taking good pictures doesnt just rely on a wicked camera and a click of a button, thats y we have settings.

    It looks like theres not enough light in your image, im sure you have a number of flash settings.

    I think you should take pictures of the same thing using different settings each time so you know what setting is good for what picture.

    I have a 1.3 mega pixel camera, ice had it for around 3 years. Ive finally pulled my finger out of my crack and got some batteries and a charger, and been takin pics the last couple of days.

    Pictures are bad because of lighting, and movement, keep it in mind. Do you have aperture settings and manula focus too, or is it just all out digital.......if you have these features too there a hell of alot more you could do with knowing before you say your camera is crap.

    check these pictures out, i took them yesterday.

    eye(close), manchester airport(distant), orange(close)

    remember my camera is 1.3 mega pixel

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