gameboy micro

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  • e-pill0

    its cool and has aa huge game library...i didnt know aall the games for GBAdvanced work for this.

    why dont game stores carry brand new games anymore???

    wtf is with that??
    it will take 2 1/2 hours to charge, which is fine!

    i played a demo of pokemon,,,it looks greaat!!

    old school 16 bit meets 6 bit technology! it comes in 2 colours either gray or black, the face plate can be switched and it comes with 2 other plaates, i put the camo plate on it.

    its a lil smaller than an ipod nano. or maybe a lil bigger, its definitely thicker than the nano.

    the screen is small.
    but its tiny portaable full colour!

    i need mike tyson's punchout or casstlevania.


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