RIP Dustin

Out of context: Reply #12

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  • paraselene0

    it's the design king thread.

    but i think there's more going on here than just people from nt tearing a new asshole for a kid they didn't realise had passed away...

    it started out like that, and people posted some pretty harsh stuff in his guestbook (some of it was funny, but it got out of hand). then, however, (and this is the bit that i find interesting) the community regulated itself.

    jevad brought up karma, a lot of people applauded the kid's obvious passion for art and design, and exador went back to the guestbook on his site and wrote some of the truest words ever written about nt and extended a really heartfelt and warm invitation for the kid to come and hang out here.

    all of this had taken place before his mom posted that he passed away last summer.

    if i were in his parents' shoes, i think i'd be proud that my son's obvious passion and exuberance had indeed attracted so much attention from people that he would, if he ever got over hating them, probably look up to more than anyone else in the world.

    i think there's a bittersweet lesson in there somewhere...

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