< prussian blue

Out of context: Reply #10

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  • exador10

    read about them yesterday on the drudgereport...(check that site out a few times a day.....it may be a republican clearing house, but hotdamn, that drudge guy has teh drop on just about everything politically scandalous in the US before anyone else...)
    that aside

    yeah...checked it out, saw those zany nazi kids...
    what is it one of em said...

    "We're proud of being white, we want to keep being white," said Lynx. "We want our people to stay white ... we don't want to just be, you know, a big muddle. We just want to preserve our race."

    haven't heard so much mindless twaddle in ages..
    it's apparently obvious that they're just parroting back whats been taught to them by their folks...

    having a wife thats east indian, and a daughter that is obviously mixed, hearing that kind of garbage generally gets my back up...
    but mostly i just feld sad for those two girls..
    to grow up thinking that kind of crap, and to never know what it means to have friends beyond just the racist pigs they know...well...its just very depressing...
    kids shouldn't have to hear taht kind of stuff...
    i may fill my kids mind with crazy shit like the lyrics to pink floyd songs, or jethro tull, or 'take you on a cruise' by Interpol....hahah.you've never heard avant garde music till it's sung by my two year old...
    but c'mon..
    teaching your kid this kind of stuff...racial purity, stuff like that..
    that is complete fucking nuts

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