I Just Might

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • Dublao70

    I woke up to one of those perfect weather days. You know the kind where the sun is warm yet the air is cool. Just warm enough to drive with your windows all the way down, and at the same time if you decide to leave them up the interior temperature of your car would be fine.

    On my way to the office I gave serious thought to just driving right past and out to the farm land to see some cows and rolling green.

    But...I’m here in my cave of an office with no outside world leaking in. Furthermore I don’t get off until around 8PM

    I think I might ask that girl out to see Beethoven’s 4th and 5th tonight. The Indianapolis symphony orchestra put on a fantastic show last weekend, Hayden masses with full choir and Beethoven’s 1st. She seemed really excited when I mentioned it to her but she hasn’t called me since Wednesday. I should call her but I won’t. I’ll sit in my cave of an office and thank KJ for putting me outside, driving through the Indiana fields, on a miraculous day. If only for a moment.

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