Porn is bad...

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • mg330

    Not that I watch it either, just know of it.

    But honestly, I don't buy the whole pulling up alongside an innocent stranger and then they're coaxed into getting naked for photos that then make their way to the web.

    Nor do I believe the sites that show girls being offered free rent in an apartment as long as they get naked and have sex and get it on video and pictures.

    It's an industry that is built on fantasy for a great portion of it's viewers.
    I'm sure the illusion that an innocent girl will willingly get naked and have sex with a stranger is a major factor in how and why people view porn.
    While I don't do this, of course, for some people to put themselves in a position where they imagine themselves in that situation I'm sure is very addictive.

    Pretty much the same thing as peep-show booths, however archaic they may seem now consider what's available on the web. Detachment from reality is what the porn industry - amateur and professional - is built on.

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