Intelligent design

Out of context: Reply #62

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  • Baskerville0

    mrdobs, DNA is matter/energy, so it required a cause. God stands outside the realm of matter/energy, as it's cause.

    The bigger question is how do you avoid an infinite regression of causes (and effects) when you take an atheistic position?
    (Oct 7 05, 09:28)

    Discipler, the point of all this is that you can't imagine the conecpt of an effect without a cause, your brain (and by that I mean all human brains) are not built in a way that lets us fully understand or visualise that concept. We are limited by the power of our brains and so are forced to create illogical loopholes to continue our lives without worrying about these issues too much.

    Ocasionally you get a thinker who can break out of the limitations of the average brain - someone like Einstein who created thought experiments to help him understand complex problems. But the truth is we are so far away from undertanding the origins of space and time. The fact that we all want there to be a 'beginning' only highlights how poorly equiped out minds are for dealing with the concept.

    So in conclusion either become a physicist and devote your life to trying to solve the problem of the origin of the universe or admit defeat and realise that your brain can't cope and go for the easy option - god.

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