NT Raps

Out of context: Reply #219

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  • Point50

    Allow me to use NT Raps,
    to recap,
    and spit facts,
    about the wack ass personal attacks,
    in the Public Voice Network,
    some cats are verbally rippin off their shirts,
    talkin mad shit to get other people's feelins hurt,
    but I'm wonderin how many of these barkin ass dogs is really wearin skirts,
    it's not even battle of the wits,
    rather battle of the shit,
    and when it hits the fan the whole PVN gets lit,
    that's the beauty of digital relationships,
    it's a musdsling scrap where you can shoot from the hip,
    give some advice knowing damn well you're a hypocrit,
    it's point5ive comin straight atcha like a mushroom tip,
    and that's how I spit to this NT click.

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