Flash, buttons won't work while dragging MC

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  • gunforhire0

    Flash, buttons won't work while dragging MC


    I have a problem with my flash menu. I have a few buttons in a MC and the mc is set to follow the mouse (startdrag etc...) using a clipevent on enterframe.

    The dragging works fine. The problem is that I can't click any button while dragging... does anyone know a solutions for this?

    (Sep 11 05, 11:29)

    so if i got this right, you cant actually get your cursor over a button until the dragging stops?

    i would suggest that maybe onPress disables the drag temporarily so that you can actually get your cursor over a button to click it. then re-enable on Release. Problem is, if you're using enterFrame to startDrag, you'll have to find a a different way to startDrag becuase enterFrame is always true until the mc instance is gone from the stage.

    if you wrap your startDrag in a function, you can start/stop it easier.

    hope that helps!

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