bush faked photo ops?

Out of context: Reply #17

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  • TheTick0

    Ad Hominem attacks on anyone who doesn't think the way you do. Classic tactics of a closed mind.
    (Sep 5 05, 00:41)

    Um, Karl ROve?

    Gee, like the entire political campaigns of the Republican party of rht elast ten years?

    Al Gore inventer the intrernet, he was a preening alphamale, etc...Kerry was a coward, shot a kid in the back, swift boatr liars, edwards was a trial attorney. everything wrong with the country , Clinton did it, and if he didn't Carter did..blah blah blah blah...

    A finer collection of open minds I have never seen. Glad they rurn the country completely now with responsible, competent compassionate conservatism and can handle challenges to the US like Weapons of Mass Destruction and level 5 hurricanes.

    Astounding what these open minded folks committed to the aplication of their polirtical philosophy can do. The world stands in awe. Really.

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