Baghdad Stampede

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • PonyBoy0

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    dobber -

    If you read the past couple of day's thread's on the situation in the south - you'll see where alot finger-pointing has been coming from the left regarding a number of issues here...

    ... when the real issue is being missed - this is fucking insane. Millions of lives are jacked.

    I hate getting political because I know how retarded it reads when a person gets all worked up online - but then again... this is NT and I feel like I 'know' you guys to a point - so it's diff. I guess.

    Read over the threads that started about New Orleans yesterday and you'll see how out of nowhere they turned from 'omg - how can we help?' to - 'where's bush?', and more left pointing to the right... over a fucking tragedy of mother nature. Yeah - N.O.'s built on a silt-based crust - and it's been sinking for years... this could've been avoided - but EVERYTHING technically could be 'avoided'..

    ... I guess I'm saying that 'shit happened' and it's no one's fault - so stop criticizing those who are doing their best to rectify a nightmare... and Fox News has a point about a lack of response from other countries - but they didn't have to bring it up. The only reason they did was to fan the political flames which actually pisses me off - because they're missing the point too.

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