Oh yeah that's better...

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • mg330

    If that's your bag, order yourselves one of this gizmos


    Bought one last summer while on vacation seeing my parents. Kept sneaking close to the kitchen and making the sound (and it is a disgustingly realistic fart sound, btw) while my grandmother was cooking. I'd hide behind a big plant in the house, and she'd be looking around for me.

    Then I blasted it while my girlfriend and I were walking behind my dad in the house, and he just kind of said, "What?" and got very uncomfortable.

    Then we did it in the truck with my GF in the backseat on the way to the airport, and my dad says to her, "what's going on back there?" Ah, a great moment.

    But the best was when I concealed it behind my back, walked up to a girl my roomated was dating as she sat on the couch, did a big high kick with my right leg, and let it rip.

    I am not kidding, she got the worst look on her face and glaring at me said, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

    I just siad "What? That made you mad?"


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