raw veggies, fruit

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  • paraselene0

    this one for som tum (thai green papaya salad) is really good, but not quite so easy:

    *8-12 thai chillies (bird peppers), chopped
    * 8 cloves crushed garlic
    * 4 cups julienned peeled unripe papaya (the longer the strands, the more fun it is to eat)
    * 1 cup green beans, sliced into bite-sized lengths
    * 1 julienned carrot
    * 1/4 cup tamarind juice the thickness of fruit concentrate
    * juice of 2-3 limes, to taste
    * 2-3 Tbs. tamari sauce, to taste
    * 2-3 Tbs. honey
    * 12 cherry tomatoes, halved
    * 1/4 cup chopped unsalted roasted peanuts

    make tamarind juice by starting with 1 tbs. of compressed tamarind in 1/3 cup of warm water. work the tamarind with your fingers to dissolve the soft fruit; gather up remaining undissolvable pulp, squeeze to extract juice and discard. Add more tamarind or water as necessary to make 1/4 cup of concentrate.

    using mortar and pestle (if you've got them; otherwise, just mash as best you can with whatever implements you've got), pound the garlic and chillies to a paste. add to the beans and pound to bruise. follow with the green papaya and carrot. stir well with a spoon and pound to bruise the vegetables so that they absorb the heat and flavor of the chillies and garlic.

    add the tamarind and lime juice, tamari sauce and palm sugar. stir and pound a bit more to blend the vegetables with the flavorings and seasonings. taste and adjust flavors to the desired hot-sour-sweet-and- salty combination. Then add the tomato pieces, stir and bruise lightly to blend in with the rest of the salad. transfer to a serving plate and sprinkle with peanuts.

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