Good day

Out of context: Reply #5

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    ya know what... the more i think about it, the more pissed off i am getting.

    i dont make a whole lot of money, but it is enough for everything i need, so i am not really being greedy BUT
    it is really fucking wrong that i rake in a couple million in one year for this company and then all the work i do is unrewarded.

    instead, the salespeople feed their cocaine habits with teh commissions and drive 100,000 cars and wear designer clothes.

    i dont WANT to be like them, but they dont deserve EVERYTHING. i dont NEED that much money, but if I sell something with MY artwork and THEY dont do shit but give me a sketch request... isn't there something a bit skewed about that?
    i got a 25dollar xmas bonus. that is all. what kind of cocked up bullshit is that?
    i am becoming angry.

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