oz residents

Out of context: Reply #16

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  • toe_knee0

    Australians are generally a lazy bunch of fuckers. They spend their day trying so hard to do as little as possible that, by the end of the day, they complain about being tired. They are so lazy they dont like lifting heavy things, like say, a pint glass, so they serve their beer in little thimble sized glasses. I also helps them feel like they are a nation of hard drinkers casue you see them the next day complaining about being tired casue they has 20 drinks last night, but they were in fact only twenty thimbles of beer.
    When it comes to speach they enhance their lazy ass image by abreviating every word in the vocabulary. The call a fireman and firey, they call musicinas 'musos' they even abriviated the place where the yall drink their thimble "Royal Social Leugues Club' to 'R.S.L' cause they were too drunk to pronounce it, but because they spend so much time trying to be lazy asses they even abriviated and abriviation, and RSL has now become nothing more than a mumble. Its now called 'rizo'.

    Hence the original question. Why is australia called Oz. Well Australia abriviated is Aus. But no, thats not good enought for our upsidedown, thimble drinking lazy ass friends. Its too many letters. So they call it Oz.


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