device exploded down the road

Out of context: Reply #62

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  • woof0

    You can dismiss someones understanding of the situation online but won't give your own understanding of it?

    (Jul 29 05, 07:17)


    Ok. The US wanted to go into afghanistan before 911 because the Taliban got too powerful and started controlling a pipeline that passes through that Kazakistan, uzbekistan etc region. Unocal needed the oil to get into China because they are big consumers. Most of the people in the US government have connections in the oil industry and that region has long been a strategic military spot. So when 911 happened everything was practically ready to go, and they did. Sadam never had weapons and now people admit it. They're even openly calling it occupation under the flag of the 'mighty saviour'. This is very similar to what England did in Egypt during the time of the colonies in Africa. Iraq is an oil well, the whole damn place is full of it. If you secure oil, you're the big daddy of the world because everything runs on oil. Now, when soldiers attack people in mosques, they take it very seriously. And one of the radical and hostile aspects of Islam is the Jehad, or Jihad. The Taliban always was thirsty for power and imposing their ideas on other people, so the CIA helped them with weapons to fight off the Soviet Union when they invaded Afghanistan before. The CIA created the Taliban, sponsored them, etc. But then they didn't need them anymore because the USSR ceased to exist. So the Taliban started controlling their 'backyard' a bit too much for the oil companies to like it. The US had bombed many countries before that and the extremists attacked first the embassies in Africa because they were soft targets. And they had tried to attack the twin towers once but they bust them. They were meant to bomb it instead. 911 was the continuation of it, and the greatest excuse to go to war because of oil (or to look for Bin Laden, however u want it) and so there they are, the biggest nations united, attacking mosques and civilians etc. But It's a war, and civilians always pay either way. And because some people consider it a war on Islam they are attacking back. England is the second most involved country, and they wanted to show that they could also do harm. That's what they did. I'm not sure if this helps but it's much more quickly said in person, that's why it's a pain to write it....

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