
Out of context: Reply #12

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  • k0na_an0k0

    k.... after a brief absence from NT, i'm back... with a mutha - fecking vengence.

    so let me get this straight. first your "client" as we'll call them hires another "designer" to change a site. then the little prick calls YOU and asks you to post it live. THEN your boss says "O.K." like a dip shit having you spend YOUR time, i.e. his money updating this pricks site.

    here's the plan... a-team style. really piss up his code. misspell shirt to say shit and as to say ass, buck to say f.... you get the picture. then only update half of the site. wait 2 hours then take the whole site down again. then wait a day and put up the other half.

    oh, and for a finishing touch send 2 rabid chinchillas into your bosses office to chew what's left of his nuts... assuming he has any to begin with.


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